Source code for fedgraph.utils_lp

import datetime
import os
import time
import urllib.request
from typing import Any

import gdown
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import torch_geometric
from import HeteroData

[docs] def convert_time(time_string: str) -> float: """ Convert time string to float Parameters ---------- time_string: str The time string to be converted, from which the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second will be extracted Returns ------- float The time in float format """ current_list = time_string.split() ts = datetime.datetime( int(current_list[5]), time.strptime(current_list[1], "%b").tm_mon, int(current_list[2]), int(current_list[3][:2]), int(current_list[3][3:5]), int(current_list[3][6:8]), ) return time.mktime(ts.timetuple())
[docs] def load_node_csv(path: str, index_col: int) -> dict: """ Load node csv file and create a mapping of the index to the node Parameters ---------- path: str The path to the csv file index_col: int The index column Returns ------- mapping: dict The mapping of the index to the node """ df = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=index_col, sep="\t", header=None) mapping = { index: i for i, index in enumerate(df.index.unique()) } # Create a mapping of the index to the node return mapping
[docs] def load_edge_csv( path: str, src_index_col: int, src_mapping: dict, dst_index_col: int, dst_mapping: dict, ) -> tuple: """ Load edge csv file Parameters ---------- path: str The path to the csv file src_index_col: int The source index column src_mapping: dict The source mapping dst_index_col: int The destination index column dst_mapping: dict The destination mapping Returns ------- (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor) [0]: The edge index, which stores the source and destination indices [1]: The edge attribute, which stores the time in float format """ df = pd.read_csv(path, sep="\t", header=None) src = [ src_mapping[index] for index in df[src_index_col] ] # map the source index to the node dst = [ dst_mapping[index] for index in df[dst_index_col] ] # map the destination index to the node edge_index = torch.tensor([src, dst]) # store the source and destination indices edge_attr = torch.tensor( [convert_time(index) for index in df[2]] ) # store the time in float format return edge_index, edge_attr
[docs] def get_global_user_item_mapping(global_file_path: str) -> tuple: """ Get the global user and item mapping Parameters ---------- file_path: str The file path of the global data that contains all the user and item ids Returns ------- (dict, dict) [0]: The user id mapping [1]: The item id mapping """ user_id_mapping = load_node_csv(global_file_path, index_col=0) item_id_mapping = load_node_csv(global_file_path, index_col=1) return user_id_mapping, item_id_mapping
[docs] def get_data( country_code: str, user_id_mapping: Any = None, item_id_mapping: Any = None, file_path: Any = None, ) -> HeteroData: """ Get the data for the specified country code Parameters ---------- country_code: str The country code user_id_mapping: list The user id mapping item_id_mapping: list The item id mapping Returns ------- data: HeteroData The data with nodes and edges extracted and stored Notes ----- `HeteroData` is a data class included in `` that stores the heterogeneous graph data. It has the following attributes: - `node_id` (torch.Tensor): The node indices. - `edge_index` (torch.Tensor): The edge indices. - `edge_attr` (torch.Tensor): The edge attributes. - `edge_label_index` (torch.Tensor): The edge label indices. - `edge_label` (torch.Tensor): The edge labels. """ print(f"printing in getdata, path: {file_path}") file_name = os.path.join( file_path, f"data_{country_code}.txt", ) print(f"Loading data in {file_name}") if user_id_mapping is None and item_id_mapping is None: # use local client mapping user_id_mapping = load_node_csv(file_name, index_col=0) item_id_mapping = load_node_csv(file_name, index_col=1) data = HeteroData() data["user"].node_id = torch.arange( len(user_id_mapping) ) # (0, 1, ..., num_users-1) data["item"].node_id = torch.arange( len(item_id_mapping) ) # (0, 1, ..., num_items-1) edge_index, edge_attr = load_edge_csv( file_name, src_index_col=0, src_mapping=user_id_mapping, dst_index_col=1, dst_mapping=item_id_mapping, ) data["user", "select", "item"].edge_index = edge_index data["user", "select", "item"].edge_attr = edge_attr data = torch_geometric.transforms.ToUndirected()( data ) # convert the graph to undirected return data
[docs] def get_data_by_time_step( data: HeteroData, start_time_float_format: float, end_time_float_format: float, constant_edges: int = -1, ) -> HeteroData: """ Get the data within the time range determined by the start and end time. Parameters ---------- data: HeteroData The data with nodes and edges extracted and stored start_time_float_format: float The start time in float format end_time_float_format: float The end time in float format constant_edges: int The number of constant edges. If -1, all edges within the time range will be kept, otherwise only the last `constant_edges` edges will be kept Returns ------- data_current_time_step: HeteroData The data at the current time step """ edge_attr = data["user", "select", "item"].edge_attr edge_selected = (start_time_float_format <= edge_attr) & ( edge_attr < end_time_float_format ) # mask the edges within the time range data_current_time_step = HeteroData() data_current_time_step["user"].node_id = data["user"].node_id data_current_time_step["item"].node_id = data["item"].node_id data_current_time_step["user", "select", "item"].edge_index = data[ "user", "select", "item" ].edge_index[ :, edge_selected ] # only keeps the edges within the time range if constant_edges != -1: # only keep the last `constant_edges` edges data_current_time_step[ "user", "select", "item" ].edge_index = data_current_time_step["user", "select", "item"].edge_index[ :, -constant_edges: ] data_current_time_step[ "user", "select", "item" ].edge_attr = None # no need to store the edge attributes data_current_time_step = torch_geometric.transforms.ToUndirected()( data_current_time_step ) return data_current_time_step
[docs] def transform_negative_sample(data: HeteroData) -> HeteroData: """ Transform the data by adding negative samples. The negative samples reverse the edges in the graph. Parameters ---------- data: HeteroData The data with nodes and edges extracted and stored Returns ------- data: HeteroData The data with negative samples added """ positive_edge_index = data["user", "select", "item"].edge_index negative_sample_rate = 2 neg_des_list = [] src_list = [] for _ in range(int(negative_sample_rate)): src, pos_des, neg_des = torch_geometric.utils.structured_negative_sampling( positive_edge_index, num_nodes=data["item"].num_nodes ) # negative samples are not connected in the original graph src_list.append(src) neg_des_list.append(neg_des) negative_edges = torch.stack( [, dim=-1),, dim=-1)], dim=0 ) data["user", "select", "item"].edge_label_index = [positive_edge_index, negative_edges], dim=-1 ) data["user", "select", "item"].edge_label = [ torch.ones(positive_edge_index.shape[1]), torch.zeros(negative_edges.shape[1]), ], dim=-1, ) return data
[docs] def get_data_loaders_per_time_step( data: HeteroData, start_time_float_format: float, end_time_float_format: float, use_buffer: bool = False, buffer_size: int = -1, ) -> tuple: """ Get the data loaders per time step. Parameters ---------- data: HeteroData The data with nodes and edges extracted and stored start_time_float_format: float The start time in float format end_time_float_format: float The end time in float format use_buffer: bool Whether to use buffer buffer_size: int The buffer size """ if use_buffer: assert buffer_size != -1 # buffer size must be specified train_data = get_data_by_time_step( data, start_time_float_format, end_time_float_format ) if use_buffer: buffer_train_data_list = [] for buffer_start in range( 0, len(train_data["user", "select", "item"].edge_index[0]), buffer_size ): buffer_end = buffer_start + buffer_size Buffer_Train_Graph = HeteroData() Buffer_Train_Graph["user"].node_id = train_data["user"].node_id Buffer_Train_Graph["item"].node_id = train_data["item"].node_id Buffer_Train_Graph["user", "select", "item"].edge_index = train_data[ "user", "select", "item" ].edge_index[:, buffer_start:buffer_end] Buffer_Train_Graph = torch_geometric.transforms.ToUndirected()( Buffer_Train_Graph ) # buffer_train_data, _, __ = transform(Buffer_Train_Graph) buffer_train_data = transform_negative_sample(Buffer_Train_Graph) buffer_train_data_list.append(buffer_train_data) train_data = transform_negative_sample(train_data) # predict one day after the end time start_time_float_format = end_time_float_format end_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( end_time_float_format ) + datetime.timedelta(days=1) end_time_float_format = time.mktime(end_time.timetuple()) test_data = get_data_by_time_step( data, start_time_float_format, end_time_float_format ) # set the next day as the test data test_data = transform_negative_sample(test_data) if use_buffer: return train_data, test_data, buffer_train_data_list else: return train_data, test_data
[docs] def get_start_end_time(online_learning: bool, method: str) -> tuple: """ Determine the start and end time for the conditional info, and prediction range Parameters ---------- online_learning: bool Whether the learning is online or not method: str The method used Returns ------- (datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime, int, float, float) [0]: The start time [1]: The end time [2]: The prediction days [3]: The start time in float format [4]: The end time in float format """ start_time = datetime.datetime(2012, 4, 3) if ( online_learning ): # the conditional info contains only one day, and the prediction is for the next 19 days end_time = start_time + datetime.timedelta(days=1) prediction_days = 19 else: # the conditional info contains 19 days, and the prediction is for the next 1 day end_time = start_time + datetime.timedelta(days=19) start_time = ( start_time + datetime.timedelta(days=18) if method == "4D-FED-GNN+" else start_time ) prediction_days = 1 start_time_float_format = time.mktime(start_time.timetuple()) end_time_float_format = time.mktime(end_time.timetuple()) return ( start_time, end_time, prediction_days, start_time_float_format, end_time_float_format, )
[docs] def to_next_day( start_time: datetime.datetime, end_time: datetime.datetime, method: str ) -> tuple: """ Move the start and end time to the next day Parameters ---------- start_time: datetime.datetime The start time end_time: datetime.datetime The end time method: str The method used Returns ------- (datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime, float, float) [0]: The start time [1]: The end time [2]: The start time in float format [3]: The end time in float format """ if method in ["4D-FED-GNN+"]: start_time += datetime.timedelta(days=1) end_time += datetime.timedelta(days=1) start_time_float_format = time.mktime(start_time.timetuple()) end_time_float_format = time.mktime(end_time.timetuple()) elif method in ["STFL", "StaticGNN", "FedLink"]: start_time = start_time end_time += datetime.timedelta(days=1) start_time_float_format = time.mktime(start_time.timetuple()) end_time_float_format = time.mktime(end_time.timetuple()) else: print("not implemented") return start_time, end_time, start_time_float_format, end_time_float_format
[docs] def check_data_files_existance( country_codes: list, dataset_dir_path: str, ) -> None: """ Check if the data files exist Parameters ---------- country_codes: list The list of country codes dataset_dir_path: str, optional The directory path of the dataset """ if not os.path.exists(dataset_dir_path): print(f"{dataset_dir_path} not exists, creating directory") os.makedirs(dataset_dir_path) all_files_list = ["traveled_users", "data_global"] assert len(country_codes) > 0, "No country codes specified" assert all( country_code in ["US", "BR", "ID", "TR", "JP"] for country_code in country_codes ), "Invalid country code" all_files_list += [f"data_{country_code}" for country_code in country_codes] for file_name in all_files_list: if not os.path.exists(f"{dataset_dir_path}/{file_name}.txt"): download_LPDataset(file_name, dataset_dir_path)
[docs] def download_LPDataset(file_name: str, dir_path: str) -> None: """ Download the data files Parameters ---------- dir_path: str The directory path file_name: str The file name """ assert file_name in [ "traveled_users", "data_US", "data_BR", "data_ID", "data_TR", "data_JP", "data_global", ], "Invalid file name" if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) out_file_name = f"{dir_path}/{file_name}.txt" if file_name == "traveled_users": url = "" elif file_name == "data_US": url = "" elif file_name == "data_BR": url = "" elif file_name == "data_ID": url = "" elif file_name == "data_TR": url = "" elif file_name == "data_JP": url = "" else: url = "" print(f"Downloading {file_name} from {url}..."), out_file_name, quiet=False) print(f"Downloaded {file_name} to {out_file_name}")